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DRB Minutes, March 28, 2007
March 28, 2007

A regular meeting of the Salem Design Review Board (DRB) was held in the third floor conference room at the City Hall Annex, 120 Washington Street, on Wednesday, March 28, 2007 at 6:00 pm.

Members Ernest DeMaio, Paul Durand, David Jaquith, and Glenn Kennedy were present.  Tania Hartford, Economic Development Planner, and Andrea Bray, Clerk, were also present.  

 Durand opens the meeting.

1.  285 Derby Street – Proposed plans for storefront improvements

Hartford introduces Richard Griffin, Architect, and Tim Clark, owner of the property.  Griffin displays the plans and explains that they wish to upgrade the existing storefront windows to match the adjacent Salem Access Television storefront.  He adds that no tenants for the retail space have signed on as yet.  To enhance the accessibility of the space, Griffin states that they wish to borrow sidewalk space from the City and place a sloped walk against the building and along with some steps entering from straight on.  The slope of the planned walk is less than 1/20 which means that it will not be considered a ramp and will not need a railing.  Griffin says that this sloped walk was found to be acceptable to the Public Works Department and the SRA.  

Hartford says that it was suggested at the SRA meeting that the ramp go between the two commercial units, but this might be difficult with the other tenant in the space.

DeMaio asks if there will be clear glass above the doors without any awnings on the unit.

Griffin agrees that the material above the doors will be clear glass and there will not be awnings on the storefront.

Jaquith asks about the planters.  

Griffin states that they will replicate the existing planter at the corner of the building.

DeMaio states that the planters should be big enough for plants; if they are not, they will only be used by the public as trash bins.

Durand expresses his approval with having transparent glass above the mullions.

DeMaio: Motion to approve this site plan with the requirement that the glass above the mullions be transparent, seconded by Jaquith.  All members vote in favor.  The motion passes 3-0.

2.  118 Washington Street (Gulu Gulu Café) – Proposed outdoor café abutting Lappin Park

Hartford introduces Steve Feldman, owner of the café, who states that it is a European-style café by day, and eclectic beer and wine bar at night.  Feldman adds that he currently owns another Gulu Gulu Café in Lynn.

Durand asks Feldman if he will continue to occupy the location in Lynn.

Feldman states that yes, he will continue to operate the café in Lynn, as well as Salem.

Kennedy arrives at 6:15 p.m.

Hartford states that in addition to needing DBA and SRA approval, Mr. Feldman is seeking approval from the licensing board.  She adds that the Board of Health has already approved this café, and the SRA has approved the location.  Hartford says that the design for the outside tables and chairs at “A Fresh Taste of Asia” was approved but the owner couldn’t afford the furniture last year and will not be able to afford it this year.  She adds that the owner of “A Fresh Taste of Asia” will purchase the same thing that is approved for the Gulu Gulu Café.

Feldman states that the stanchions and the 1/4” thick steel cable which connects to the stanchions will be painted black.

Durand asks for a specific description of the device which will attach the steel cable to the stanchions.

Feldman states that it will be attached with a hook and clamps.

Durand states that it is important to have a good, professional looking connection because if it is not done well the DRB will reject it.  He asks about the location of the lights, and whether there is a plan showing the location of the stanchions and cable.

Hartford points out the location of the plan.

The members look over the plan.

Durand asks how far out from the table the stanchions will be.  He wants to see the area that will be enclosed by the stanchions before the DRB can approve it.  

Jaquith states that he wishes to see the light pole on the plan of the tables and the stanchions.

Kennedy asks about the entry point for the outdoor cafe area, and the distance from the sidewalk and curb on Essex Street.

Durand states that at least 6 feet of space will be needed between the tables.  He asks about the height of the stanchions.

Feldman states that the stanchions will be 4 feet tall.

Hartford asks about the planters.

Durand states that he needs to see where the planters will be placed on the plan.  He adds that they should be movable and they cannot be blocking a public way or access.

Feldman states that he is not sure how much room he is allowed to have for placing the stanchions outside of the tables.

Durand states that 8 feet would be enough to allow the servers room to move around the seated diners.  He adds that the key is not to take too much space away from the public sidewalk and to not confine the tables too much.

DeMaio points out that the public area is not confined to the chain but to where the base of the stanchions will extend to.

Durand states that he wants to see a sturdy base because he does not want to see these stanchions blowing over in the wind.

Hartford asks if the Café will serve outside or if the patrons will take their food out themselves.

Feldman states that they will serve outside.

Hartford asks if the Board would like to walk outside at the beginning of the next meeting to look at the site.

Durand says that he thinks that would be helpful and they should plan on a short visit to the site at the beginning of the next meeting.

Hartford recaps all of the items that the Board wants from Feldman:

1.      A plan showing the stanchions, tables, planters, benches, and light pole with the dimensions of each.
2.      A better depiction of the stanchions and the base.
3.      A better depiction of the device used to connect the cable to the stanchion.
4.      The site plan must show the width of the sidewalk and extend from the street to the café.

Hartford asks the members if they are satisfied with the tables and the chairs and the type of cable that is being proposed.

The members agree that these items are appropriate for the site.

Feldman asks if the cable should be thicker.

Durand states that the current width of the cable is fine.

3.  118 Washington Street (Gulu Gulu Café) – Proposed signage, lighting and exterior improvements

Hartford explains that the hanging sign will be on Essex Street and the wall sign will be facing the park.

Durand states that he likes the bracket, and he suggests that the members consider the size of the sign during the site visit next month.  He asks where the entry is.

Feldman states that the main door will be on Essex Street.

Durand states that there is something about the location of the blade sign that isn’t right.  He looks at the wall sign and asks if it will be lit.

Feldman states that two stainless steel lights will be above the wall sign.

Durand questions the type of light and he suggests using a different kind of light.  He states that he may need more of an arm on the light over the sign and that two lights may not be enough for the whole sign.

Jaquith states that the wall sign could be lowered and the light over the sign could also act to light the café.  He adds that the light fixtures along the park side could be bigger.  He says that the lights become a rhythm in themselves down the whole wall and he suggests using two different kinds of lighting on the sign and the rest of the building.

Much discussion ensues about the lights.

Durand suggests he get some professional help to make this lighting design work.

Jaquith states that the electrical feed must get to these lights.

Durand states the he doesn’t want to see conduit up and down the brick wall but it could be part of the sign and concealed.   He suggests a light beam on the top of the sign which would not really be seen.

DeMaio states that the 34 by 52 inch sign is too big and the edge of the tree pit to the building is probably narrower than the sign.  He adds that he wishes to see something that shows the location of the sign.  He expresses his concern about the current location of the blade sign stating that it should be closer to the park so that it can draw people in.  He states that it is quite a task to draw people all the way around to the other door.  He suggests shielding the bulbs or frosting the glass to make the bulbs invisible so they won’t be distracting.  He agrees with Durand that he does not like exposed conduit all over the building.

Durand states that he can trust black will be black but he would like to see a sample of the gold.

Feldman states that two benches will go on the Essex Street side of the building.

Durand states that Feldman must put the benches in the site plan.

Durand asks if the planters pictured are the actual planters.
Feldman:  Yes.

Durand asks if there is enough room on the sidewalk for the benches.

Kennedy asks if the benches would be in front of the window.

Feldman:  Yes.

Kennedy suggests showing the recess in front of the window on the site plan.

Durand acknowledges that the café is a great place and he is in favor of seeing this café here in Salem, but he needs as much information as possible before an approval.  He suggests hiring an architect to draw the site plan.

Hartford recaps:

1.      Represent a lighting plan for sign lighting and site lighting on both sides of the building.
2.      Show an elevation of the park-facing wall showing the signage and lighting design.
3.      Look again into the dimensions of the blade sign.
4.      Provide a color chip for the gold.
5.      The benches must be in the site plan with the dimensions of the sidewalk and the window recess.
6.      Resubmit the other part of the lighting plan.
7.      The planters must be in the site plan.

Jaquith:        Motion to adjourn, seconded by DeMaio.  All members vote in favor.  The motion passes 4-0.  

The meeting is adjourned at 7:10 p.m.